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Can't work with Generation Z

떵꼬 2024. 12. 10. 21:11

"Can't work with Generation Z"...

Reasons for getting fired before completing a year at the company


Lack of expertise and communication skills

"Unrealistic expectations for the work environment are also an issue"


Many companies, after hiring Generation Z employees, have been dissatisfied with their work abilities and attitude, leading to terminations within less than a year.

According to a survey conducted by Intelligent, an education and career consulting platform, among about 1,000 company hiring managers, nearly 60% reported having fired college graduates hired this year.

The reasons for the layoffs include a lack of expertise and communication skills, as well as a lack of motivation.

Generation Z, referring to people born between 1997 and the early 2010s, is seen as having poor work ethics, struggling with communication, and not handling feedback well, which makes them not meet the talent expectations companies require, according to more than half of the responding companies.

Another reason for termination is that Generation Z has high expectations for their workplace and easily expresses dissatisfaction. EuroNews reported that 17% of responding companies stated they hesitate to hire Generation Z due to their reputation for easily getting offended in the work environment.

Holly Shroth, a senior lecturer at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, explained, "Instead of gaining workplace experience, Generation Z focused on extracurricular activities to enhance their college competitiveness, which led them to have unrealistic expectations of how to deal with their workplace and superiors." She added, "Generation Z lacks basic skills and workplace etiquette for social interactions with customers, clients, and colleagues."

Huey Nguyen, Senior Education and Career Development Advisor at Intelligent, said, "Many recent college graduates expect a free workplace culture and flexible working conditions, but the reality often falls short of these expectations, causing difficulties." He further added, "While they may have accumulated some theoretical knowledge during college, they often lack the practical and hands-on experience needed to succeed in the workplace."

Hiring managers who participated in the survey mentioned that some Generation Z employees have trouble managing their workload, are often late, and sometimes fail to dress or speak appropriately.



A survey has revealed that U.S. company managers are firing Generation Z (born in the mid-1990s to early 2000s) employees.

75% of managers are dissatisfied with recent college graduates On the 27th (local time), the U.S. New York Post reported, citing a survey by the education platform Intelligent.com, that 60% of the 1,000 company managers surveyed had already fired Generation Z employees who had just graduated from college earlier this year.

According to the survey, 75% of the respondents said they were dissatisfied with some or all of the recent college graduates they hired.

Half of the respondents reported that Generation Z employees are likely to be lacking in motivation and expertise. Additionally, 39% mentioned a lack of communication skills. Notably, 1 in 7 respondents said they would be hesitant to hire new Generation Z employees next year.

According to the report, more than half of the managers believe Generation Z is not adequately prepared for the workforce. Managers expressed frustration with issues such as frequent tardiness, inappropriate attire, and language use.

The report also noted that Generation Z is often seen by the public as lacking focus, being lazy, and insisting on work-life balance. Some experts also blame the education system for not properly preparing students for actual work.

Huey Nguyen, a career development advisor at Intelligent.com, advised Generation Z to "ask thoughtful questions at work, seek feedback, and apply it to show motivation for personal growth." He further recommended maintaining a positive attitude, meeting deadlines, and actively participating in projects to build a trustworthy reputation.