How to Use This Book
The Handbook of Technical Writing is made up of alphabetically or-
ganized entries with color tabs. Within each entry, underlined cross-
references such as “formal reports” link readers to related entries that
contain further information. Many entries present advice and guidelines
in the form of convenient Writer’s Checklists.
The Handbook’s alphabetical organization enables readers to find
specific topics quickly and easily; however, readers with general ques-
tions will discover several alternate ways to find information in the book
and on its companion Web site at
• Contents by Topic. The complete Contents by Topic on the inside
front cover groups the alphabetical entries into topic categories.
This topical key can help a writer focusing on a specific task or
problem browse all related entries; it is also useful for instructors
who want to correlate the Handbook with standard textbooks or
their own course materials.
• Commonly Misused Words and Phrases. The list of Commonly
Misused Words and Phrases on pages 627–28 extends the Con-
tents by Topic by listing all the usage entries, which appear in
italics throughout the book.
• Model Documents and Figures by Topic. The topically organized
list of model documents and figures on the inside back cover makes
it easier to browse the book’s most commonly referenced sample
documents and visuals to find specific examples of technical com-
munication genres.
• Checklist of the Writing Process. The checklist on pages xxiii–xxiv
helps readers reference key entries in a sequence useful for plan-
ning and carrying out a writing project.
• Comprehensive Index. The Index lists all the topics covered in the
book, including subtopics within the main entries in the alphabeti-
cal arrangement.
Successful writing on the job is not the product of inspiration, nor is it
merely the spoken word converted to print; it is the result of knowing
how to structure information using both text and design to achieve an
intended purpose for a clearly defined audience. The best way to ensure
that your writing will succeed—whether it is in the form of a memo, a
résumé, a proposal, or a Web page—is to approach writing using the
following steps:
1. Preparation
2. Research
3. Organization
4. Writing
5. Revision
You will very likely need to follow those steps consciously—even self-
consciously—at first. The same is true the first time you use new soft-
ware, interview a candidate for a job, or chair a committee meeting.
With practice, the steps become nearly automatic. That is not to suggest
that writing becomes easy. It does not. However, the easiest and most
efficient way to write effectively is to do it systematically.
As you master the five steps, keep in mind that they are interrelated
and often overlap. For example, your readers’ needs and your purpose,
which you determine in step 1, will affect decisions you make in subse-
quent steps. You may also need to retrace steps. When you conduct re-
search, for example, you may realize that you need to revise your initial
understanding of the document’s purpose and audience. Similarly, when
you begin to organize, you may discover the need to return to the re-
search step to gather more information.
The time required for each step varies with different writing tasks.
When writing an informal memo, for example, you might follow the
first three steps (preparation, research, and organization) by simply list-
ing the points in the order you want to cover them. In such situations,
you gather and organize information in your mind as you consider your
purpose and audience. For a formal report, the first three steps require
well-organized research, careful note-taking, and detailed outlining. For
a routine e-mail message to a coworker, the first four steps merge as you
type the information onto the screen. In short, the five steps expand,
contract, and at times must be repeated to fit the complexity or context
of the writing task.
Five Steps to Successful Writing
Dividing the writing process into steps is especially useful for col-
laborative writing, in which you typically divide work among team
members, keep track of a project, and save time by not duplicating ef-
fort. For details on collaborating with others and using electronic tools
to help you manage the process, see collaborative writing.*
Writing, like most professional tasks, requires solid preparation. In fact,
adequate preparation is as important as writing a draft. In preparation
for writing, your goal is to accomplish the following four major tasks:
• Establish your primary purpose.
• Assess your audience (or readers) and the context.
• Determine the scope of your coverage.
• Select the appropriate medium.
Establishing Your Purpose. To establish your primary purpose simply
ask yourself what you want your readers to know, to believe, or to be
able to do after they have finished reading what you have written. Be
precise. Often a writer states a purpose so broadly that it is almost use-
less. A purpose such as “to report on possible locations for a new re-
search facility” is too general. However, “to compare the relative
advantages of Paris, Singapore, and San Francisco as possible locations
for a new research facility so that top management can choose the best
location” is a purpose statement that can guide you throughout the
writing process. In addition to your primary purpose, consider possible
secondary purposes for your document. For example, a secondary pur-
pose of the research-facilities report might be to make corporate execu-
tive readers aware of the staffing needs of the new facility so that they
can ensure its smooth operation regardless of the location selected.
Assessing Your Audience and Context. The next task is to assess your
audience. Again, be precise and ask key questions. Who exactly is your
reader? Do you have multiple readers? Who needs to see or to use the
document? What are your readers’ needs in relation to your subject?
What are their attitudes about the subject? (Skeptical? Supportive?
Anxious? Bored?) What do your readers already know about the sub-
ject? Should you define basic terminology, or will such definitions
merely bore, or even impede, your readers? Are you communicating
with international readers and therefore dealing with issues inherent in
global communication?
xvi Five Steps to Successful Writing
*In this discussion, as elsewhere throughout this book, words and phrases underlined
and set in an alternate typeface refer to specific alphabetical entries.
For the research-facilities report, the readers are described as “top
management.” Who is included in that category? Will one of the people
evaluating the report be the Human Resources Manager? If so, that
person likely would be interested in the availability of qualified profes-
sionals as well as in the presence of training, housing, and perhaps even
recreational facilities available to potential employees in each city. The
Purchasing Manager would be concerned about available sources for
materials needed by the facility. The Marketing Manager would give
priority to the facility’s proximity to the primary markets for its prod-
ucts and services and the transportation options that are available. The
Chief Financial Officer would want to know about land and building
costs and about each country’s tax structure. The Chief Executive Offi-
cer would be interested in all this information and perhaps more. As
with this example, many workplace documents have audiences com-
posed of multiple readers. You can accommodate their needs through
one of a number of approaches described in the entry audience.
In addition to knowing the needs and interests of your readers,
learn as much as you can about the context. Simply put, context is the
environment or circumstances in which writers produce documents and
within which readers interpret their meanings. Everything is written in
a context, as illustrated in many entries and examples throughout this
book. To determine the effect of context on the research-facilities re-
port, you might ask both specific and general questions about the situa-
tion and about your readers’ backgrounds: Is this the company’s first
new facility, or has the company chosen locations for new facilities be-
fore? Have the readers visited all three cities? Have they already seen
other reports on the three cities? What is the corporate culture in which
your readers work, and what are its key values? What specific factors,
Five Steps to Successful Writing xvii
In the United States, conciseness, coherence, and clarity characterize
good writing. Make sure readers can follow your writing, and say only
what is necessary to communicate your message. Of course, no writing
style is inherently better than another, but to be a successful writer in
any language, you must understand the cultural values that underlie the
language in which you are writing. See also awkwardness, copyright,
global communication, English as a second language, and plagiarism.
Throughout this book we have included ESL Tips boxes like this one
with information that may be particularly helpful to nonnative speak-
ers of English. See the Contents by Topic on the inside front cover for
listings of ESL Tips and ESL Trouble Spots, entries that may be of partic-
ular help to ESL writers.
ESL TIPS for Considering Audiences
such as competition, finance, and regulation, are recognized as impor-
tant within the organization?
Determining the Scope. Determining your purpose and assessing your
readers and context will help you decide what to include and what not
to include in your writing. Those decisions establish the scope of your
writing project. If you do not clearly define the scope, you will spend
needless hours on research because you will not be sure what kind of
information you need or even how much. Given the purpose and audi-
ence established for the report on facility locations, the scope would in-
clude such information as land and building costs, available labor force,
cultural issues, transportation options, and proximity to suppliers.
However, it probably would not include the early history of the cities
being considered or their climate and geological features, unless those
aspects were directly related to your particular business.
Selecting the Medium. Finally, you need to determine the most appro-
priate medium for communicating your message. Professionals on the
job face a wide array of options—from e-mail, fax, voice mail, video-
conferencing, and Web sites to more traditional means like letters,
memos, reports, telephone calls, and face-to-face meetings.
The most important considerations in selecting the appropriate
medium are the audience and the purpose of the communication. For
example, if you need to collaborate with someone to solve a problem or
if you need to establish rapport with someone, written exchanges could
be far less efficient than a phone call or a face-to-face meeting. How-
ever, if you need precise wording or you need to provide a record of a
complex message, communicate in writing. If you need to make in-
formation that is frequently revised accessible to employees at a large
company, the best choice might be to place the information on the com-
pany’s intranet site. If reviewers need to submit their written comments
about a proposal, you can either send them paper copies of the pro-
posal that can be faxed or scanned, or you can send them the word-
processing file to insert their comments electronically. The comparative
advantages and primary characteristics of the most typical means of
communication are discussed in selecting the medium.